Dave McCabe outside Liverpool Crown Court

 September 22, 2010         Leave a comment

Dave ‘Look at me now’ McCabe has been making headlines recently, having been found guilty of sticking a nut on a student earlier this year outside Korova – for making fun of his girlfriend’s coat.

The former Zutons frontman took what hasn’t become as ‘The Gerrard Defence’, which described how punching someone in the face is actually a case of pre-emptive self-defence – a little bit like the War on Terror. Here’s the beardless singer himself, as quoted in the Grauniad:

“He raised his hand and I could tell from his body language that he was going to punch me so I headbutted him and backed off.”

Anyway, McCabe’s defence didn’t wash, and he was found guilty of assault. He is yet to be sentenced.

Dave the Pap sent over this image of McCabe in Derby Square. It’s nice to see that Dave adhered to the classic rebellious ‘short tie’ rule for his appearance.

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