Crazy love – Liverpool Buble fan shows off unlikely tattoo

 May 13, 2010         Leave a comment

Those of you who care about such things probably know already that death metal singer Michael Buble has been in town for a gig at the Echo Arena.

Liverpool Culture Blog’s paparazzi desk has received this image of Il Buble wearing a cap and, er, some glasses while in the city this week.

The Culture Blog finds Buble’s own unique brand of hardcore thrash a touch loud these days, but no doubt the coolest kids in town will be heading down to see the singer destroy a drum kit with his electric guitar.

The Echo had this scoop on Buble’s visit to Liverpool:

The singer was spotted taking part in the Beatles tour taking in all the famous sights including the Beatles Shop where he picked up a couple of souvenirs.

He then decided to treat himself and a friend to a night out at the Odeon cinema at Liverpool One.

One shopper who saw him reports: “We were just walking through Liverpool One and we spotted Michael who was more than happy to pose for a photo.

“He didn’t even have any security guards with him which is unusual for such a big star.”

Whattaguy! It was obviously all too much for one crazed fan, who was spotted sporting a delightful MB tattoo.

• Images by Dave The Pap

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