Trinity Mirror move pitches Echo and Post against one another

It seems the Liverpool Echo is to become primarily a morning paper – a move that puts it into apparent competition with the Daily Post.

The Echo will still retain an on-day edition, but the first will be printed overnight.

Reading between the lines, the change in deadlines is to accommodate a switch from printing in Liverpool to Oldham, at least one hour’s drive away.

The consensus – right or wrong – in Liverpool’s media community is that The Post is on its way out, with sales down to under 10K according to various reports I’ve heard.

Given the difficulty regional newspapers are experiencing, and recent moves by Trinity Mirror to axe several Midlands titles, the writing would appear to be on the wall for Liverpool’s second daily.

But in moving the newspapers into almost direct competition with one another, Trinity Mirror seems to be delaying that move – but is it simply delaying the inevitable?