Gillett and Hicks put Liverpool up for sale. Here’s what happens next

 April 16, 2010         1 Comment

So, LFC finally look like getting shot of their American tycoon owners, but we all know the perils of getting what you wished for, don’t we? Here’s what will probably happen next.

• Fans, Liverpool Echo and Tommy Smith celebrate

• Ian Rush interviewed live outside his house to express boring opinion

• LFC fans predict return to glory days of 80s; FA Cup and league title within a year.

• Local consortium headed by stairlift magnate expresses interest in buying club, despite having about ten million quid between them.

• Spirit of Shankly starts campaign to get every fan to commit a thousand quid to fund, in doomed attempt to buy club

• 80s pro who no-one remembers particularly well unveils ‘shock’ bid for club

• Middle Eastern millionaire reveals interest in bidding for club

• Russian millionaire reveals interest in bidding for club

• Eastern millionaire reveals interest in bidding for club

• American millionaire reveals interest in bidding for club

• LFC fans start protests against everyone connected with sale from buying club

• Benitez says he wants to stay at Liverpool for ten more years

• Benitez leaves Liverpool for Spanish club during Summer

• LFC announces losses totalling millions of pounds

• Local politician suggests groundshare

• First game of season sees Gerrard score 40-yard screamer, kiss badge

• Foreign millionaire buys club, appears on pitch in LFC baseball cap and scarf

• Despite rumours of Jose Mourinho, Sam Allardyce is brought in as new manager

• Darren Farley unveils new impression of new owner

• By Christmas any hope of winning title is clearly gone

• Fans start campaign to drum new owner out of club


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