Daffodils and birdlife: Sefton Park in Spring

 April 12, 2009         1 Comment

Sefton Park is at its most impressive at spring, when it comes into bloom and its thriving wildlife is most evident.

While much of the park still resembles a bomb site, the area near the Field of Hope is thriving, with the daffs coating the ground and the abundance of birdlife heralding the end of winter.

Daffodils in Sefton Park

There are dozens of Grey squirrels around at the moment, which I’m ambivalent about as they’ve been driving out native Reds for years.

Still, they’re amusing to watch and can generally be conned quite close with the promise of nuts, even if you don’t have any.

There seemed to be hundreds of birds, not least dozens of magpies – too many to count. Alongside the usual pigeons, wood pigeons and mallards it was nice to see plenty of moorhens, blue tits, coal tits, chaffinches, and blackbirds too.

Over by the Glen of Fairies – which it seems to be called of a sudden – was first a particularly voluble song thrush and a particularly friendly robin.

A male magpie was attempting to court a female with a dance in a scene no doubt replayed across Concert Square this Bank Holiday weekend.

Sefton Park in spring, brilliant.

• There’s a photoset on Flickr here: Sefton Park in Spring

Robin in Sefton Park


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